The FBC salutes you.
Hello there!
I'm so grateful that you played The Zone! It means the world that you chose to spend your precious time with this game. I'd love to hear how it went!
- What was a memorable moment?
- What was your Zone like? Tell me a little about your expedition, your characters... their mutations!
- How did it feel to learn?
- Did you have any feedback? Things that could have been improved; things that you loved?
If you had a good time, one of the most helpful things you can do is share your experience on RPG Geek—so other players can see the game through your eyes and decide if it might be for them.
Or you can drop me a line directly at, or join our very lovely Discord community.
Once again, I can't tell you how special it is for me to hear your journeys. Each Zone is different, but what they all have in common is my awe at the stories you create in them.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Wishing you horror & beauty,